Tech Articles and Notices
We have discovered that the first run of Spicy Curry bikes delivered to us have had the speed sensor and tail light wires run below the kickstand plate. The...
Sab, 15 Ago, 2020 alle 12:37 PM
We've noticed that it is possible for the chain tensioner wheel on the Spicy Curry Bosch to come loose with light pressure. The instructions in the docu...
Sab, 15 Ago, 2020 alle 12:38 PM
TECH NOTICE Spicy Curry Bosch Issue : Bearing in chain tensioner wheel may wear quickly due to individual riding habits, causing assembly to fail. Failu...
Sab, 15 Ago, 2020 alle 12:39 PM
If you're looking for a cost effective way to haul cargo on your shiny new Supermarche, we've come up with a step-by-step solution that we've pe...
Sab, 15 Ago, 2020 alle 12:40 PM
The Supermarche's front bolt-on skewer includes a security feature that deters thieves from walking away with your wheel. This feature may interfere wit...
Sab, 15 Ago, 2020 alle 12:41 PM
Below you'll find the Owner's Manual for your Boda Boda Original (formerly Boda Boda V1 & V2). Questions? Contact us and we'll do our best ...
Sab, 15 Ago, 2020 alle 12:41 PM
Below you'll find the Owner's Manual for your Mundo Classic (formerly Mundo V4 & Mundo V4 7speed). Questions? Contact us and we'll do our be...
Sab, 15 Ago, 2020 alle 12:42 PM
We've expanded our owner's manual to include all models in our range. Questions? Contact us and we'll do our best to help! This new manual...
Sab, 15 Ago, 2020 alle 12:42 PM
Over the years, we at Yuba have used different systems to meet the power assist needs of our riders. The following information is intended to point our ri...
Sab, 15 Ago, 2020 alle 12:43 PM